Opening Hours

Dear Valued Clients of Altawil Medical Centre

Please be aware we are changing our centre hours effective from Monday 4th September 2023

Over the past 2 years Dr Altawil has worked very long hours to support the community & provide after-hours appointments. In order for Dr Altawil to maintain his own health it is no longer possible to continue working these extended hours.

We look forward to onboarding another GP to assist as soon as possible and greatly appreciate your ongoing support.

Trading Hours:

Please note

We are offering more after-hours appointments during the week with these new hours. However, because we are still currently a Bulk-Billing Centre and operating with only 1 fulltime doctor, we need to close the clinic over the weekend to provide Dr Altawil with some much-needed time to rest, recover and spend time with his family 🙂

We apologise for any inconvenience – we may reconsider additional hours of operation when we have more GP’s working with us.

* When we are closed, if you need urgent attention*

* Hello Home Doctor 134-100

* Call 000 for Emergencies

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